Monday, December 8, 2008

しゅうまつにマヂソンスクァガデヌへいきました。(Madison Square Garden) バスケットボオルをよじかんみました。そちら、オウトバクのステエキヤへいきました。おいしですね。(Outback Steakhouse)

Over the weekend, Madison Square Garden held its 3rd annual Big Apple Classic. It featured 4 teams, Howard University, Hampton University, Virginia Union and Bowie State. They competed in both a basketball game, and a drumline competition. I enjoyed myself, and we went to dinner after the game

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

みなさんはじめまして。わたしはクリシタんです。 らいなつににほんへきます。やすみはとてもげんき。コロンビアのだいがくです。いっひねんせいです。わたし葉がくせいせいかつがすきです。はいそがしいです。にほんごをべんきょします。いまにほんごがあまりわかりませんらいなつのににほんごはじょうず。ここともだちにあいました。ニユーヨークからきました。ニユーヨークのせいかつになれました。ははの アパートがたくさんいきます。りょうりはおいしがたべます。まいあさじゅじにおきます。げつようびとすいようびにクラースはじゅじはんぷんですからろくじまでいきます。かようびともくようびにクラースはいちじからにじまでいきます。 しゅうまつはもくようびからにちようびまでです。きにょうびとどようびに ダンスパーティーはいきます。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。じゃ、またらいなつ。


Thursday, November 6, 2008


I attended the Halloween Parade in the Village on Friday. Due to finances and time, I was not able to obtain a costume, but I did manage to see some interesting ones including The Joker from the Dark Night, Sarah Palin, and my favorite Zero from Code Geass. I had alot of fun, and I look forward to next year

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Over the weekend I visited Sacred Heart University in Fairfield. After the party, we walked outside in the cold all night, and I became extremely sick. I spent all day in my bed on sunday and monday, but at least I caught up on my anime, and some of my work.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Over the weekend, i got a tattoo.  It is of a 7 with a dragon wrapped around it.  Seven used to be a nickname of mine, but ive come to understand the religious and mytholigical meaning behind it.  In Christianity, there are the seven sacraments, the seven virtues, and the seven deadly sins.  In Japanese mythology there are the Seven Lucky Gods.  The dragon represents wisdom and longevity.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I have been interested in Japanese culture since I was very young. I play video games, watch anime, read mangas, and even shop at the japanese inspired Atmos in Harlem. My cousin is currently spending a year in Okinawa to teach English. I am studying Japanese because I wish to study abroad in Japan in the near future.